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Hide details for HTTP ServerHTTP Server
MDAAC92G96Server - HTTP - Fixed in intermittent internal exception during Java execution which caused a crash.
MBCYC8PLYEiNotes - Fixed an timing issue where use of Enforce Internet Password Lockout in the Configuration Document could result in user getting locked out...
PKURC74BMVTemplates - pubnames.ntf - Fixed an issue where group member name list was not populated when open the names.nsf over HTTPS from a...
STAACEBGV7Server - HTTP Server - Fixed an issue where an incorrectly formatted x-forwarded-for ip address would result in Error 400 Invalid Rquest. IIS was...
JUYYCERD6QServer - HTTP Server - removed a misleading debug message that was being shown in the console log when doing quit or restart task http. Message was...
Hide details for iCaliCal
PDARCCBELBServer/Client - iCal - Fixed an issue where Online Meeting details were not being displayed in the description of a Reschedule notice if original...
PDARCGGGWEServer/Client - iCal - Fixed an issue where the Online meeting url was not being updated in the Description field for external Domino invitee when...
Hide details for IEI/LEIIEI/LEI
CSAOCADC6MHEI - Fixed an issue where if there is no dependent activities in decsadm.nsf, Action - Reports - Dependent Activity Report will show garbled...
Hide details for IMAPIMAP
ESPHCE4EP5Server - IMAP - Fixed an intermittent IMAP crash. This regression was introduced in 8.5.3
Hide details for ImportImport
RKRYC99L4KClient - Mac - Big Sur - Fixed an intermittent crash when trying to bring up the import dialog.
Hide details for InstallInstall
MDLSCC5TFWServer - Install - POST EAP2 - Fixed an issue with installing Domino server on an Active Directory Domain controller would result in the server not...
Hide details for Install/Setup/ConfigInstall/Setup/Config
DMKAC7XDRWServer - Upgrade - Fixed an issue that would occur when upgrading a Domino (single server) from 11.0.1 to 12.0.1 if Domino was installed to a "custom...
DMKAC8DLE4Server - Install - Fixed an issue where the Domino upgrade installer does not warn user if existing Domino server is currently running on AIX and...
SSARCB4NDNServer - Install - Fixed an issue where Properties folder in the Data folder should be created as lower case (properties). This regression was...
ESPHCB9FDCServer - Install - Fixed an issue where the Domino installer was adding some help databases to the Help directory even though Help was not selected...
ESPHCDPKFXServer - Install - Fixed an issue with upgrade where Domino Server installer was overwritting and disregarding service account.
SPPPCEBDBXServer - One-Touch Domino setup - Fixed an issue where the Database title was not being updated with the one mentioned in the JSON file after the...
SPPPCEBD32 Server - One-Touch Domino setup - Fixed an issue where some Notes.ini entries mentioned in the JSON file were not being added after the server...
Hide details for Install/Setup/RegistrationInstall/Setup/Registration
ASIACCRFSYClient - Fixed an issue where npnotes64.dll was not digitally signed with a Microsoft signature
HYZGCK72WHServer - Server Language Pack - Fixed a translation issue for several languages on the Server Language Pack Installer dialog.
Hide details for InternationalInternational
CSAOCB42Y9iNotes - Fixed an issue in Japense on Edge and Chrome where the middle Delete button in the Sent dialog box is not displayed correctly when zoomed...


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